We’ll help you recycle it for free

Hoarding old used electronics can be a major issue and causes clutter. We make it easy for you to recycle your old unwanted computer products.

We provide sustainable IT asset disposal solutions to our clients.

Want to recycle your old electronics?

MasterShred started in 2016 as an ecommerce company that sold shredding machines. In 2018 we realized there was a need for a shredding service. We started providing the shredding service. In 2021 we noticed a lot of our clients had a need to dispose old computers. They were hording old computers because the computers might hold sensitive information and they didn’t know anyone who could help with disposing of it in a safe, economical and responsible manner. In 2022 we started Computer Recycling and we now provide shredding services as well as computer recycling services.

How did we start?

Solving customer needs

Why do people hoard computers?

What can we do to solve their problem?